Rebecca and I both now live in Kildare and have a background in film and T.V we now both have young families and mostly keep our work all about weddings.
I love working with Rebecca her make up is always perfection but she is also has this calmness around that really helps a bride to destress on the morning of her wedding.
She always has the best recommendations for make up products she is cut throat if something isn’t right she will tell you straight there is no grey area.
I really trust her opinion and always ask her advice – |I have bought my last 3 make up purchases on her recommendation and she hasn’t disappointed.
What Inspires you?
I’m inspired by everything! From the 20’s-60’s all the hair and make up of the time from classic no make up looks to full on glam I love it all! I do find my brides are more attracted to a more natural style which I love to do but I equally love creating full glam or vintage inspired looks.
My make up artist inspirations are Alex Box and Lisa Eldridge I have been following their journeys since I was in College.
How did you break into the industry?
So I studied costume design and make up in college which absolutely loved and after college fell into some costume design jobs by accident.. after a while I decided this really wasn’t the right path for me I moved around a few retail jobs and left to do more costume design jobs then I got a job as a visual merchandiser where I got very comfortable with the mon-fri 8am-4pm hours and spent my weekends working on portfolio photoshoots with models and photographers with borrowed visual props, I loved this, with each shoot I discovered what make up worked really well on camera and what didn’t then while still working as a vm collegaues started asking me to do their wedding make up and thats when it all began in 2007 I did my first wedding and the rest as they say is history… word of mouth and personal recommendations were my best friends until the likes of facebook and Instagram took over.
I have so many  aspects to my job that I really enjoy, the little twinkle in the brides eye when you finally hand over the mirror, the minute the bride walks in wearing the dress to her parents, the whole wedding morning buzz and excitement, I really love it all!
During the covid lockdowns to keep myself connected to my brides and clients I have taken on a few amazing brands to supply via delivery.
I did my research and chose my products carefully!
Delilah luxury vegan and cruelty free make up brand
Dreamweave magnemegenics mascara
Long4lashes Mascara and lash growth serum
for more information or recommendations from Rebecca
you can contact her on any of the below:
follow Rebecca on instagram 
or click on her website here
call her on  0872186603